Order of the Stick Wiki

As Durkon recalls his final memory, Roy is forced to fight the vampire-dominated Elan.



Panel 1

Vampire with Long Hair: This is working out! I gotta be honest, I was worried since I burned so many spells making all those spawn.
"Durkon": It's not over yet.

Panel 2

Cut to inside Durkon's head where his memory continues to replay.
Sigdi: Sorry tha stew is so thin t'day. I ran outta turnips on Tuesday, an' me pension dinna come 'til t'morrow.
Durkon (in his memory): Mmm hmmm.
"Durkon": It's not over yet?
Durkon (in his head): ...

Panel 3

Sigdi: Och, you've been awful quiet, Durkon. Lotta deep spiritual thoughts ta think aboot on yer first day?
Durkon: Na really. Mostly just had a tour o' tha temple's back rooms.

Panel 4

Sigdi: Och? I ne'er been back thar. Wha's it like?
Durkon: ...Fine. It's fine. First they showed us—

Panel 5

Cut back to the battle, the Greenhilt Sword flies through the air, striking "Durkon", "SLLSH!"
"Durkon": Uggh!

Panel 6

The sword returns to Roy's hand, "PWOK" He is holding a vampire at arm's length.
Roy: Durkon, if you're in there, listen to me!
Roy: There are things you never knew about why you were—

Panel 7

Elan (dominated): Ha!
Elan attacks Roy from behind, "slash!"
Roy: Rrrr!
Roy: Damn it, Elan, that Chaos Sabre stings!

Panel 8

Elan (dominated): I can't believe you turned on Durkon, Roy.
Roy parries a attack by Elan, "clang!"
Roy: Of course I have! That's the whole reason we're here!
Roy: Wait, no, Durkon turned on us! I mean he's not Durkon!!

Panel 9

Elan (dominated): Four out of six members of the Order of the Stick agree, Roy.
Elan (domianted): Shouldn't a good leader listen to his team?

Panel 10

Roy kills another vampire.
Elan (dominated): Just hear us out.
Roy: Are you trying to talk me into switching to the dominated side?!?

Panel 11

Elan (dominated): Join us, Roy. We have free massages, and pizza every Thursday.
Roy: That can't possibly be true, you've been dominated for less than a minute!
Roy stops another attack, "BLOCK".
Elan (dominated): Also, we can lie as much as we want.

D&D Context[]

  • Roy is Lawful Good and his reaction to the Chaos Sabre suggests that it is imbued with Anarchic properties, as is also suggested by its name.


External Links[]
